Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Behind the reason of these inspired series.

I recently knew and met someone who has such a strong character and inspired people, and I am one of those people who are lucky to be inspired.

Have you have someone or something that -to quote from Bonx word- becomes your momentum to stand up and say to the world: hey, enough of this laid back, lazy, unmotivated, static, and lame things. It's time to move on, grab the future by do actions. It's time to say to the world, I am going to conquer you and I will. Yeap, have you?

I have. And it happens because of you, my inspiration source. And i do believe it has to happen.

So i started to follow my source to just go and pursue. Find my own happiness. Hence, I need a place to record my story for my future, so I am releasing several inspirational moments. And hopefully my future will be wonderful. Yes, what i mean, i will get the answer. Good or Bad, I don't care. But i care is that i have tried in the end.

xoxo, Poldhe.

PS: don't agree about inspiration. My definition of inspire might different from you. Hey we all have our own views of words and things, right?

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