Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lie To Me.

Just, again, when I started to trust you, you lied to me in front of my face, figuratively.

I know you didn't sleep early. And I know you were going out with some friends.

What I don't understand is, is it difficult to tell me in person about it? What's so wrong to say "I'm going out tonight."

I won't be asking you NOT because I'm not that kind of dude. I won't be saying NO because I know you need that social thing. I won't because I trusted you.

How do you think I know that you LIE to me then?

Never reject a phone call from your boyfriend wherever you are!

People who reluctantly ignore or say no to a call is probably don't want to say what he/she is up to.

It's about honesty that I want you to say to me. Nothing else.

I don't think I can go further with this kind of relationship.

I'm too much drama on my life. Super sensitive on things. And jealousy is my biggest enemy now.

I am also a guy who never forgets and forgives. And I don't think I can do it.

Is it better for the two of us to take a break then?

I don't know & I'm confused. You confuse me.

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