Monday July 27, 2009
Sahid Jaya Hotel
Puri Agung Ballroom
Hosted by: LaSalle College International Jakarta
Hehe.. what an intro.
Yeap, senin kemaren ada acara creative show nya anak anak LaSalle. Pertama seh rencananya gak mo pergi, cuapekkk... tapi demi lihat project nya para graduates, ya udah.. jalan!
Nyampe agak telat.. 5s pm. Pas nyampe udah CGMM graduates yang ngantri ke stage. MY FB STUDENTS udah kelar.. huh@!
Tapi it didnt matter lahr.. Karena after that ceremony, ada satu yang mo ditunggu-tunggu. THE SHOW.
Sambil makan (argh.. typical high-society who live in Jakarta- makannya ngirit) i browse the projects created by the students. They are sooo creative. From Layout, Photography, Videos, fashion booth, etc... they're so well-produced.
at 7.30pm the show started. the fashion show. Met the marketing guy, and he said the reason why the show started 30s late.. The make-up wasnt finished yet. lol.
I wish i have a video or cam at that time.... and I wish I know how to write them down in writings. It is sooo much better to watch the show directly rather than through someone's point of view.
One word: BRAVO.
Hoepfully I have the access to the pictures collection.. Gunna post them here.
Congratz graduates.
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